Sustainable development goals

Metaflex for a better world

Metaflex thinks it’s important to contribute to a better and cleaner world. Therefore, we have committed ourselves to four of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN). Our goal: make the world a better place in the year 2030.

Seventeen specific ambitions

In 2012 the SDGs were drawn as a continuation on the first Millennium Development Goals which were put-up in the year 2000. With the first shared blueprint they tried to fight extreme poverty, inequality, diseases and hunger. Some of the goals were achieved and big steps were taken in the right direction on all goals.

The current SDGs are based on input from individuals and organizations and have therefore more support-base. In addition, they are more ambitious. Except for the fight against poverty and hunger, there is now more attention on safety, economic development and environment. Behind these 17 goals are 169 targets that make the goals even more specific. For more information, we refer you to the website of the UN.


The five goals Metaflex has committed herself to are; good health and well-being, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth and last responsible consumption and production.

3. Good health and well-being

Metaflex is committed to promote Good Health & Well Being to both its employees and the underprivileged section of society.

In keeping with this commitment, the company offers subsidized healthy and nutritious meals to its employees. In addition, Annual Health Check-up and Health Insurance schemes provide support to employees in preventing illness, improve well being and offers financial assistance in the event of illness.

The global health crisis due to COVID-19 pandemic has endowed every individual and organization the responsibility to contribute in mitigating the risk and bringing normalcy. In this regard, Metaflex, apart from strictly following all COVID-19 protocols, carried out a number of activities during the pandemic that includes organizing three Vaccination Camps, distribution of Sanitization kits and Ration to its workers and underprivileged.

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4. Quality education

Metaflex believes in “Equal right to quality education to every individual irrespective of his/ her social status or gender”. Continuous focus is on supporting education and all round development of orphans and underprivileged girl students by sponsoring the cost of education  and providing infrastructure support to Government Girls Schools in Noida and Greater Noida and extend support to foundations like “Shubhakshika Educational Society”. 

Further, Metaflex Annual Scholarship Scheme for Workers’ children is aimed at generating awareness among Workers towards the importance of education and enhancing their participation in their children’s education.

7. Affordable & Clean Energy

A state of the art 150 KW Solar Plant was commissioned in 2016 to provide affordable and clean energy and reduce carbon footprints. Our endeavor is to is to enhance usage of renewal energy and use equipment for energy back up that are non-polluting.

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8. Decent work & economic growth

Metaflex has collaborated with Government & Social Enterprise like Gram Tarang on skill development programs that provide “On the Job Training” to the needy and the underprivileged youth and make them job ready. This initiative has led many of the trainees to become industry ready. Some of the trainees are proud members of Metaflex family and are contributing towards the growth of the company.

12. Responsible Consumption & Production

Metaflex Global LCA symbol is indicative of the Group’s commitment to sustainability and its focused approach in achieving it. A number of initiatives are planned to be taken up at company level to do more and better with less. Systems are in place for safe disposal of Hazardous and other Waste including e-waste to authorized companies thereby ensuring proper disposal/ recycle/ reuse as per statute.

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